Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fun with Food

It's been an exciting few days around our house. We'll start off with last Friday - Jeremy had football as usual so Jax and I went over to Honey and Pappa's house (my parents) to hang out. This is what I usually do when Jeremy is gone because I have no one else to hang out with and I actually do enjoy hanging out with my parents still. pictures included.

The next photo is pretty cute. I was doing the laundry the other day and got this crazy idea to put Jax in the laundry basket. He just sat there and looked at me like....what's up. He never cried or even made a noise for that matter...he just sat there and chilled. I have the most laid back child! I had to take a picture.

Now for the real excitment.....Jax finally tried food for the first time a few days ago. We have his 4 month apptmt this week and I thought I'd give it a try in case I had questions or concerns for the doctor. As I knew he would, he loved his oatmeal. I put a little applesauce with it as well and he loved that too. He did make some funny faces at first but everything went well. I was worried he might get constipated from the oatmeal or whatever but everything has been going well and no problems there! Well, that's about it for now. I'll have more after we get back from the doctor. Aunt Amy is also coming for a visit tomorrow so I'm sure we'll have pictures of that as well. We'll keep you posted!

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