Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day Weekend. By the end of the weekend Jeremy informed me he had eated atleast 6 hamburgers from all of the family events we went!

We started off the weekend with my nephew - Connor's 8th birthday party. My sister had it at her house. They rented a bounce house so we tried to put Jax in it but the dog ran over him in the process so he didnt want anything to do with it. Well I was determined to get a picture so we made him go through it with his dad screaming the whole way. You can tell in his picture.

The next evening, we went over to Jeremy's dad's house for dinner and fun with the Wii. Jax loves to play outside and on any kind of stairs so Grumpa's house keeps him pretty entertained. Here are some pics with Grumpa and Grammy.

On Labor Day we finished off the 3 day weekend with lunch and swimming at my parents house with a few cousins and grandparents. After Jax's nap, we came back over and had some watermelon. Jax had never eaten it before but as you will see, he loved it. Sooo cute! That's all for now - until next time....we'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Kelly Chambers said...

Love the watermelon pic! So cute!