Tuesday, December 15, 2009

18 month stats

Yes, I know I'm terrible for taking this picture....anyways. Jax and I went to see Dr Daniels yesterday for his 18 month checkup. He did not like it if you can't tell. I don't usually let him take his owl into places but its an exception when there are shots and doctors involved.

Jax's stats
age: 18 1/2 months old
weight: 29.5 lbs
height: 33 1/2 inches
95% in both categories

Things about Jax at this age:
His personality is a nice mix between Jeremy and I. He is chatty when you get to know him but quiet and shy if he doesn't know you. He tends to play by himself until he finds someone in the crowd that's as calm as he is. He shys away from the crazy kids. He's very happy but doesn't smile much in pictures (like Jeremy)

His speech is coming along very well. He can count to 3 and is starting to use phrases instead of single words. I taught him to say "I'm cute" yesterday. The great thing is that you can understand him most of the time.

He's using a fork and spoon at dinner - still figuring it all out but doing well with them. Still not sure if he's left or right handed. He does better with his left but uses his right as well and throws with his right most of the time.

He is starting to pretend. I catch him playing like he's on the phone (been doing that for a long time) but he watches himself in the mirror and plays all kinds of things for as long as you let him.

I'll stop here. I could go on and on. He loves his dogs whom he wrestles with, loves to play outside and still enjoys Grandma Jackson twice a week. Everything is going well and we look forward to many more check ups and posts. Until then, we'll keep you posted!


Deann Black said...

Your aweful for standing there taking that pic watching him cry...:) Poor Baby! Next time he needs Aunt D to go with him!

coneandmo said...

Isn't an owl a bird? I'm surprised you let your son own anything "bird". :)