Friday, October 1, 2010

First Bath Together

I've been waiting for this moment basically since Jake was born. It is so much easier to bath them together than separate. Jeremy and I usually take one to each bathroom and get the job done. Now we can do it all in one bathroom. Jake still isn't completely sitting up by himself but with the help of a chair, he's doing great. So I gave it a try the other night and it went pretty well. He slumps occasionally but he loves it. He kept trying to sit up in the baby bath so I knew it was getting time. Here are a few pictures of my boys


Jeff and Steph said...

Oh my! Look at those rolls! CUTE! Neither of my kids had/have rolls! Bathing them together is so much easier. On most nights, we'll put them both in and Jeff will clean one while I clean the other....while they play.

Deann Black said...

Those rolls just CRACK ME UP!!!