Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jake turns 1

Has it already been a year...oh yes it has!! Jake Ryan Jackson turned 1 on April 9, 2011. To date he weighs 26.1 lbs and is in the 89 %. He is 31.5 in tall and is in the 92 %. He is a big boy like his brother! He is crawling and pulling up on everything. He will stand up on his own here and there but not trying to walk quite yet. He says mama, dada, uh oh, ball, ight for light and mum mum for his favorite snack from walmart. He's already pulling toys away from Jax and has quite the scream. He is a very happy little boy and smiles on que for the camera with his 7 teeth and one coming in.

We had a great family birthday party for him at our house. Jeremy made some really good barbecue sandwiches that he tried in Arizona - brisket, potato and cheese. Jake had a great birthday cake and we did a little Easter egg hunt for all the boys. He opened a few gifts and enjoyed the family. It was a great time! I've included plenty of pictures. Enjoy!

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