Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas Post #2 at Grandma Jacksons

Christmas Eve, we always go to Grandma Jackson's house with Jeremy's dad side of the family.  Last year, all the cousins and their kids were there but this year was a little smaller with just Jeremy and Amy, Roger, Grandma and all of our families.  We always have a great time at Grandma's.  Good sit down dinner and opening presents.  By the end of the night, it looks like a mound of tissue paper in Grandma's living room.  It's fun watching the kids enteract with everyone.  The boys both got sport outfits this year....huge hit.  They even had to go outside and play sports in the freezing cold with their uniforms on.  Lola discovered a dancing platform ontop of one of her gifts and had a great time trying on her new apron and giving kisses with Aunt Amy's lipgloss.  We had a great evening.  Moments I will always cherish

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