Sunday, July 20, 2008

Annual Galveston Trip

Well, I made it through my first week of work and part of the second.....then we got to go to the beach. It was not a fun week. I cried all day the first day, part of the second and then Saturday was the worst. It doesn't make it any better that all my clients want to talk about my child. Oh well, it will get better I'm assuming. I never thought it would be this difficult but look at that face - would you want to leave him? Oh well, what can I do....oh yeah, win the lottery.

Anyways, we headed to Galveston on Wednesday night and stayed through Sunday. This was Jax's first vacation. He did really well in the car and slept really well on vacation....a little too much. He didn't eat on schedule of course but that's ok - he hasn't missed too many meals as you can see :) He's now sleeping at least 5 hours a night thank goodness and he's continuing to be a very laid back child.

We never do much in Galveston except relax, hang out at the beach and go eat/shopping. Not much else to say. Below are some pictures. Glad to be back home and look forward to my bed tonight.

Say a little prayer for Jax on Tuesday. He has his 2 month checkup and all those shots. I'm not looking forward to this. Well, that's about it. We'll keep you posted!


The Flesher Family said...

aww he is so cute. Can't wait to get my hands on him:) In several of the pictures he has that little stern funny. I love his little swim trunks. Glad you had fun at the beach. I hope that this week is not too hard on you:(

Rachel H said...

Shelley, Jax is adoreable!!

I'm so sorry it has been so hard going back to work.

On a positive note, Caroline's hair looks better than ever!

Deann Black said...

I can't believe you caught him smiling in that pic of you holding him. That is hillarious!! DeAnn

The Wells Family said...

Shelley, he's so cute and you're right, he looks like he's not lacking food-look at that belly! too cute. I'm sure going to work will get easier with time. take care.