The screaming started at 2:25am this last Friday night. I heard Jax through the monitor and knew something was wrong because it sounded horrible! He wouldn't stop but I had a feeling he might be teething so he ended up in bed with us that night...I felt so bad for him. Sure enough, the next evening on the 21st at my nephews birthday party, I discoverd he had cut his first tooth. Its still coming in but I can feel that its broken the skin. He's doing better now. And for the most part, he has only had 2 bad nights and no symptoms of cutting teeth other than the 2am screams. I know you can't see much in this picture but he rarely lets me get into his mouth. Its on the left side looking at him.

Jax turns 9 months on the 27th but we got the party started early. He had his first cupcake at my nephews party and loved it! My dad (Papa Sam) got a few good pictures. Jax eats so well...pretty much anything you give him, he'll eat. I hope he keeps that up!
Not much else going on. Have a good week. We'll keep you posted!