Thursday, February 19, 2009

Latest Accomplishments and other funny things...

Jax will be 9 months old next week. Its flown by so fast - I just can't believe it! He's got such the personality and is for the most part a very sweet boy.

Within the last month, I've noticed that he's become scared of certain noises. It took me a few times vacumming to realized that he was screaming and crying because he doesn't like that noise. He also hates when I bring out the ironing board and the noise it makes...horrible screech. And now, all of the sudden, he doesn't like when I turn on the just freaks him out. Poor little guy - I'm hoping he will grow out of the scary noise thing.

And no, my child is still not crawling. I'm hearing more and more about bigger kids having crawling problems but my doctor says not to worry...its not a milestone. I walked into his room the other morning and found him standing in his crib. I was a bit shocked. He likes to play with the ribbon on his bumper. He likes to stand up and I've let go a few times and he just stands there....until he falls. So more than likely, he'll walk before he crawls.

I'm trying to expand his vocabulary. You may think this is funny but he's very chatty. He says mom, momma, dadadada, bye and I'm now working on Mona. He'll say Mo and then na but hasn't put the 2 together'll happen though. I'm sure of it. He loves his doggy! He even pulled up on her the other day and Mona just stood there like it was no big deal.

Last but not least, he has begun to throw some major fits. If I'm holding him and want to put him on the floor or in his highchair, he arches his back and kicks me and screams. When I finally do put him down, he throws a major temper tantrum. If I don't feed him fast enough, he screams or grunts and if he doesn't get what he wants, he'll lay down and kick and scream. I'm like...where the heck is this coming from. Soooo Jax is getting little pops on the diaper and its amazing...he immediately stops throwing fits. Sometimes, I can even look at him with a very serious look and he'll stop as well. I'm not spanking but just enough to know I mean business.
He's still being spoiled rotten by Grandma Jackson on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and we are sooo thankful for her. He just loves when she walks in the door. He's slowly getting use to going to sunday school at church. He cries when we leave him but the same lady always takes him and makes sure he gets a little nap and then he's ok....or so we're told.
Well, I guess that's it for now. Jeremy is doing well with baseball and I'm working hard at the salon and staying super busy. We'll keep you posted!


Deann Black said...

Grant and I love the first pic, but that last one is pitiful:(

Anonymous said...

Awe! He's getting SO big! I agree w/Deann the last pic is just so very sad! Will didn't crawl until he was one & didn't walk until 16 or 17 months. Sara on the other hand, crawled at 4 mos & walked at 9 mos. He'll get there. Be glad for the immobile times, b/c when gets out!

The Wells Family said...

Aww. He's such a cutie. I can't believe he's 9 months!

Unknown said...

I wouldn't worry about the crawling thing... but I agree with you he will probably walk before he crawls given the fact he likes to standup. It's funny how every kid developes differently. Cooper only says dadda and just started saying momma. Cooper started throwing fits and screaming about the same time... wow they can be loud.
