Monday, May 19, 2008

Bed Rest and Big Feet

I dedicate this picture to my sister-in-law Amy because she loves other peoples feet....hehehe. I went to the doctor today for my last checkup and I got scolded and then put on bed rest. I was going to work 3 days this week and she put a stop to that so I'm now on maternity leave for the next 7 weeks...yipee! My blood pressure was 160 over 100 and kept rising while I was at the doctor. She even made me lay down while I was there. She said if I didn't take it easy I could have a seizure and I don't want that. My feet have looked like this for a few days now. I don't even have calves anymore - just a straight block all the way down. Atleast I was able to get a pedicure. Jax has still not moved down. In fact, he's sitting straight up in my belly now - butt down - so looks like I'm on for the C-Section on May 27th at 9:30am.

I've also included some updated pictures of his room. I caught mona, our boxer, taking a snooze on his rug today. She definitely knows somethings up. And the last crazy pictures are of my baseball belly at week 38 and 5 days. I couldn't resist - trying to do something fun with the belly. Enjoy!


The Wells Family said...

OH my gosh Shelley, your feet!! Is it because you are standing all day? You poor thing. Well, you're almost there. I'll be praying for you on the 27th!!


The Flesher Family said...

oh my lord....those are your feet and legs!!! They look so poor thing. You need to not even get up for one thing...your days of this are almost over.

Anonymous said...

I can already sense that Jax will be a Yankees fan!!!!!!!

congratulations on teh new addition to the fam!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I just saw your blog for the first time... I got it from the Wingers blog page. I just got their annoucnement! Anyway, so I see you must have a ONE DAY OLD baby Jax now!!!! I hope everything went very smoothly yesterday, and I can't wait to see pictures!
Candice Bishop