Monday, May 12, 2008

Crazy Dog....Crazy Baby

Well, another week has gone by and no baby :( I had my 37 1/2 week appointment today and the little guy is still breach. Good news is that he did move his feet higher so there is still a possibility that he could turn the right way. My doctor and I discussed my options and I decided to go ahead and schedule a C-Section for May 27th at 9:30am at Baylor in Downtown Dallas. That gives Jax two weeks to make up his mind on how he wants to come out and make his grand appearance. My doctor even asked me if I've had a discussion with my son about coming out and I told her we talk every day. I've included a picture...notice I'm not smiling. This is what misery looks like at 37 weeks and 5 days - no sleep and swollen everything.

Now I know you're just dying to know why I have a crazy dog as stated in the title. Razor the german shepard has issues. As a lot of you know, we have to now sedate him during storms. Every year he gets crazier and crazier. I think with the new move and the baby on the way, he's gotten even crazier so he decided to start eating his tail. I took him to the vet this last week and the doctor knocked him out, gave him some shots, cleaned his tail and put this ridiculous cone on his head so he couldn't get to his tail. I just had to include a picture. When he's in the house, he runs into everything. It's pretty funny. Right now, its the only thing you'll see me laugh at....enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Shelley, thanks for giving me your blog address. It's so fun to read about what's going in everyone's life.
Good luck with your soon to be new little boy! I am sure you and Jeremy will have fun.
I also understand about all of the dog stuff, we've had our fair share of craziness with Toby.
I hadn't received any of your emails, sorry that I didn't respond. My email is my (married) first and last name at hotmail.
We miss y'all in McKinney, but it looks like things are going really well down there!
Love the new house, it's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

you are looking great Shelley; not too much longer to go!!!!!

I wish you guys the best in the upcoming weeks with Jax coming.


Jeff and Steph said...

You do look great!! Eating his tail? Poor Razor...and I love Mona in the background! We can't wait to meet him!

wanissa said...

Can i just tell you that i cannot stop laughing at Razor. Him and Zoe have some serious issues.