Sunday, March 22, 2009

One little monkey jumping on the bed...

How does that song finish - oh yeah...he fell off and bumped his head. That's how our week began. Jeremy was on spring break this week and stayed home with Jax while I worked A LOT! Jax finally started crawling this last week and guess what happened - he fell off the bed. Jeremy calls me at work freaking out but Jax was fine. Just a little thud to the carpet and a little scarred but no bumps or bruises. I think it hurt Jeremy more than Jax.

Dad story of the week: Jeremy has thought for a long time that Jax should watch Saturday cartoons because that's what he did when he was little so when I go to work, Jeremy turns the mickey mouse clubhouse show on on Saturday mornings. Jax loves this show and I guess Jeremy does to. We were about to eat dinner the other night and Jeremy was entertaining Jax by singing "hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog" and doing the goofy movements from the show. Jax just loved that and I got a big kick out of it too. It's amazing how kids change your life. Jeremy is so good with Jax....helping out when I work late or on Saturdays and Jax loves his daddy! I couldn't do it without him!

So, that's right - Jax began crawling this week. It only took 9 months and 3 weeks for it to happen. He is now pulling up on everything, getting into everything and playing very well. In some ways, I love it because he has more to do now but I have to watch every move he makes. The other day, he was in his room and I stepped out for a second. When I walked back in, he had pulled out all the diapers from the box and had them scattered times.

I included a few pictures of his crawling. My grandmother sent me some cookies and Jax discovered one on the floor, crawled over, picked it up and ate it all....well, with a little help from Brutus. He loves table food and is doing very well feeding himself now. Jax turns 10 months this week and we go see the doctor tomorrow. I accidentally scheduled his 9 month check up a little late but we'll have stats tomorrow.

Dog update: Everything is going well with Brutus now that the rain is over. Last week was a little crazy with the dogs inside and it raining all the time. Now, they are all able to enjoy the backyard. Him and Mona play very well together and they are so cute. I got a few pictures of the dogs. The first one - Brutus is the little ball in the middle curled up. Good times!

Last picture is of Jeremy's outdoor project. Jeremy and his dad have been working to make our backyard look better. One side is finished and the other side is in progress. They put down stone this week on one side and began the other side of the pergola...stone will follow on that side. We've started looking at patio furniture. It looks great and they did it all by themselves. Kudos to them!

Well, that's it for now. Have a great week and we'll keep you posted!


Deann Black said...

Love the pic of the 3 dogs curled up:)

Anonymous said... did the cookie get on the floor? And by the way, those cookies were sent to Jax.....not momma!