Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We took Jax this last week to a Christmas light show in Cedar Hill over Joe Pool Lake. They have it every year and cars line up for miles to drive through so we thought we'd follow along this year. I think Jax enjoyed riding in the front seat more than he did the lights but every once in a while, he'd so Whoa - so that was worth paying for :)
I've attached a couple more pictures from our drive.

Funny Christmas Story: Jeremy and Jax met Grumpa in Cedar Hill this past week for lunch at a little dive they like to go to. A biker dude came in while they were there that had a white beard and other similarities to Santa......Jax turned and said "Ho Ho" (that's what he calls Santa) and kept saying it. I wasn't there but Jeremy said they guy played along and was real nice about it. My clients always ask if Jax understands Christmas....he understands Ho Ho - that's for sure!
We went to the Galleria last night and finally had Santa pictures made. I was a little disappointed in the system. I knew Jax wouldn't like being passed off to Santa and he didn't. They immediately took 4 pictures and that was it. After they took the pictures, he was fine in Santa's lap but they were done and could care less. I of course bought the pictures anyways - Jax has a great pout going on in the picture I purchased and its a great memory. I won't be taking him back to that Santa but its one for the books I guess.
Until next time, we'll keep you posted!

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