Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Another great Thanksgiving has come and gone and of course I took pictures of it all. I will have to admit, I didn't do as good of a job taking pictures this year and was so tired the night of thanksgiving that I didn't get any at The Jackson household....I'll make up for it at Christmas I promise! The picture to the left is the best we could do - someone was not cooperating :)

We started off the day at my grandmother's house in Dallas for lunch. It was a nice day and all the boys got to play in the leafs and have a grand 'ol time outside.

After lunch, Jax and I took a nap and then we all headed off to Grumpa's house in Oakcliff. Jeremy's dad side of the family was finishing up lunch and we stayed for a late
dinner and some football. It was good to catch up with Jeremy's Aunt Mary and her kids as well.

Jax loves going to Grumpa's house because he can run circles around their whole house, play with their microwave that's on his level and Grammy always gives him a nice bath before he falls asleep in the car on the way home....what a day!
On Saturday, we headed to Edgewood, Tx to visit with Jeremy's mom side of the family. We had a great day of family and food there as well. Jax's great grandmother has an organ that he loves to play on and then he also enjoys running around outside. We got to visit with Ginny and Dale from Kansas along with their daughter Megan and her boyfriend Nathan (we don't get to see them very often because they are from Kansas) Along with Jeremy's other two uncles and their kids. And yes, the two very grown up girls in the front of this picture were my flower girls in mine and Jeremy's wedding....time flies!

Here are a few other pictures from that day. We had a great Thanksgiving this year and look forward to Christmas. Until then, we'll keep you posted!

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