Monday, June 9, 2008

Week in Review

Well, Jax and family had an eventful week and we thought we'd share it with everyone. OK, maybe it wasn't so eventful for most people but when you're staying home all day and all night sleeping and eating, any little thing is eventful. Besides, my blog gives me an excuse to take cute pictures of Jax :)

Every day begins with breakfast for mom and some bouncy chair time for Jax. He's finally swatting at the bird and stares so hard. Its one of those moments he truly looks like his father. I've also started putting him on the floor and trying to get him to raise his head as much as possible. He gets a little flustered but he's doing good for an almost 2 weeker. The third picture is a bath time picture. He's not too fond of the bath yet because he doesn't like to be unclothed but he's getting better. He's propped up in this picture - hence the many chins. The fourth picture is Jax with his younger two cousins. They visit often and we had to get a picture. This is the only picture in which all three were cooperating. The last picture is of Jeremy with Jax and Mona. Every time Jax cries, Mona comes running. Mona does not like Jax's cries but she's always very curious about what's going on. Both dogs have done very well with the baby. Mona likes to sniff but never gets too close.....we're lucky.

Jax will be two weeks old tomorrow. We are both going to the doctor for check ups tomorrow so we'll keep you posted on his growth and everything else when we hear tomorrow. As for me, I'm feeling a lot better. We made our first official trip to wal mart last week and Target today. Its nice to get out finally. Tomorrow, Jax will be visiting Mt. Lebanon for the first time and we are very excited about that - summer camp has started and that brings back many fond memories for Jeremy and I. Someday Jax too will work out exciting. Well, that's it for today. We'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

His two cousins sure are cute too:)

wanissa said...

that is such a cute pic of mona. i am glad you got to get out of the house. love you guys