Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Church Appearance

Not much of a big week in the Jackson house. Jax and I did get out a little more this week. He seems to really like Walmart - always does really well when we go. We also went to the Allen Outlets with Wanissa and Cooper and over to my old salon to see everybody. He's also starting to sleep a little longer. Last night he slept for 4 hours, ate, then slept another 4 hours.....Mom was very excited!

Anyways, the big event this week was church. Of course this made me anxious but he did really good. He slept through the whole thing. I got him all dressed up, dad made sure he took his bible that Grumpa gave him and off we went. We have a praise band that is really loud and when they started up, Jax did his signature stunned arm freak out where he throws his hands up in the air and shakes them.....then he went back to sleep. He made 2 loud sighs at the end of the service and that was it. He got to see a lot of people and once again, it was nice to get back into our normal way of doing things.

Jax will be 5 weeks old on Tuesday. We will be making the most of this week and it will be a rough one for mom as it is my last week before I go back to work. Everybody say a little prayer for mommy's emotions.....don't let them get the best of me.....I'm dreading it! Well, that's it for now. We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so how is my #1 Yankee fan, he he!!!???

Hey y'all, just wanted to drop in and say hey and Jax is a cutie. Shelly, you'll be fine next week but it will be tough. I'll be thinking about you.

Jeremy, good luck next week!!! Start working on that pitching arm.

Take care, Jeff