Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

Last week was a fun week with Jax. We met up with Cooper and Wanissa at the Arboretum in Dallas for some pumpkin fun. The only problem we had was that we went during Jax's nap time. He was pretty happy for the most part and I got a few pictures but when we went to take some really good ones, I looked down and he was asleep - right no time might I add. Oh well, we still had fun and got a few good pics. I can't wait till the boys are older where we can have a little more fun out there. And for all you moms out there that think its a good idea to go to the arboretum...take your own food! Its a bit expensive to eat at their restaurant and the lemonade is tart!

Jax and I also went to Canton with my mom on Friday. He did really good until it was time to go home. He wore a shirt that said "Chicks dig me" and he got lots of compliments from the women in Canton. He just smiled and laughed at everybody. I even got a few new baseball things for his room while we were there.

That's about it though. I feel like I've been working a lot. Maybe its just because I'm getting busy again on my 3 days, which I am thankful for. I even got to do 7 heads of hair for a wedding party on Saturday amidst fighting nasal allergies but oh well, I still love doing wedding hair or any hair for that matter!
I'm working the next 3 days in a row so I can be off for my birthday and for the weekend. Melinda is coming in town for her shower and Jax and I can't wait to see her and the divas. I've been looking forward to it forever it seems like. Well, that's about it....We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pics shelly! we were just at the arboretum yesterday with our playgroup!