Thursday, April 30, 2009


We got a surprise visit from Wanissa and Cooper this past week. It was fun to watch the boys play now that they are both moving around on their own. Cooper is really into giving hugs at the moment and he went after Jax a few times. They were so cute! It's always good to see them!

Just a few other random pictures from the week. Jax pulled out the dishwasher while we were cleaning up dinner one night and got into everything. He also found an empty milk jug and played with that for a few days. Who needs toys!

This last picture is of Jax doing his "mean face" as Jeremy says. He does it all the time and it just cracks me up. He's really paying attention to things and trying to pick up different words. When I drop things or he drops things I always say uh oh and he repeats uh but no oh. Today I dropped my keys on our way out the door and he automatically said uh really loud without me saying anything. He also knocks on everything...wall, doors whatever. So I always say knock knock and now he'll say na na. You can tell he's trying to pick it all cute!

That's about it for now. Until next week - We'll keep you posted!


The Wells Family said...

Aww. I can't believe he's already trying to talk! He's getting more hair too. I love the mean adorable.

wanissa said...

the picture of Jax and Cooper is so cute. we wish yall lived closer so we could have more play dates. we miss yall